Our Hydrogen Lego World in Berlin

Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt, Chair of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich (right) and Prof. Peter Wasserscheid (2nd from left) present the major hydrogen plans in the form of our Lego model to NRW Minister-President Hendrik Wüst and NRW science minister Ina Brandes. Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen

The Lego model was once again on tour. This time we were in Berlin with our colleagues from Forschungszentrum Jülich. At the North Rhine-Westphalian (NRW) state government’s summer party, we were part of Jülich’s exciting science lounge and were able to use our model to show guests which innovative projects we are planning for the future in the Rhenish mining area.

Each of the structures in the Lego model represents a future hydrogen project through which we aim to make a contribution to a future net-zero energy industry and to the success of structural change in the Rhenish mining area.

We encountered a large number of highly interested guests, including NRW Minister-President Hendrik Wüst, NRW science minister Ina Brandes, and NRW economy minister Mona Neubaur. Our spokesperson Prof. Peter Wasserscheid has called for the development of a hydrogen economy to be accelerated further.

NRW-Wirtschaftsministerin Mona Neubaur spricht mit Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt über die Wasserstofftechnologien der Zukunft. Foto: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen