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GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

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The new partnership aims to make greater use of synergies between research and practice in order to jointly develop innovative technologies and solutions and thus contribute to the sustainable transformation of the region.


The professor of small things

What do hydrogen, Conrad Röntgen and a dark forest have to do with each other? From Hans-Georg Georg Steinrück’s point of view, quite a lot. The physicist is Professor at the Institute for Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW) at Forschungszentrum Jülich and Director of the Catalytic Interfaces division (INW-1).

GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Hydrogen is not champagne

Foto: Adobe/StockHydrogen has been many things in the public debate: blue, turquoise, green, white, expensive champagne, overrated hype or a Swiss army knife. Peter Wasserscheid, Professor of Chemical Reaction Engineering and spokesperson for the Helmholtz Hydrogen Cluster (HC-H2), establishes a different perspective in an interview: Even if green hydrogen is still comparatively expensive today, this does not contradict…
GeneralProject ErkelenzResearch

Hydrogen future at Erkelenz hospital

demonstration project Multi-SOFC ErkelenzHydrogen supply at Erkelenz hospital launchedThe SOFC fuel cells at Hermann-Josef Hospital are up and running: (from left, front) Prof. Astrid Lambrecht, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich, Ministerial Director Oda Keppler from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Tomasz Königs, the hospital’s Technical Director, symbolically cut the ribbon to…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

The Last Neighbourhood Meeting in 2023

Brainergy Park continues to grow. This is clear to all visitors who occasionally drive through the innovative industrial park to the north of Jülich. New buildings are being erected, while diggers are constantly at work on new areas of land. The HC-H2 Brainergy Park Connect neighbourhood meeting in the park also continues to develop.

GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

New Director at INW

Hydrogen research in Jülich is being bolstered by the arrival of a high-profile expert: Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits is taking over as director at the Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW) at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

The Colours of Hydrogen, Part 2: Blue

There has been no change regarding which colour of hydrogen remains the ultimate target: the future is green. This will remain the case after the German federal government amended its National Hydrogen Strategy at the end of July. The revised strategy foresees the path to a green future having a few blue stops along the way.

GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

The Technical Centre Opens its Doors

An important event for Jülich hydrogen researchers – employees at Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW) can now move into their technical centre. On Monday, 18 September 2023, Martin Jungmann, managing director of the building’s investor and lessor Jülicher Immobiliengesellschaft (JIG), handed over the keys to the INW directors.

GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Brainergy Park Connect

Just a few days ago, there was nothing to see here but a sandy, flattened surface. But now, construction of the start-up village at Brainergy Park near Jülich has begun. It is now clear to see that something new is being built in the immediate vicinity of our cluster. “Looking from above, the village will look like the…


A “Hygo” for Stephan Kiermeier . Preis für einen Vorreiter der Wasserstoff-Welt: (von links) Anne Schüssler, Wasserstoff-Beauftragte des Kreises Düren, Landrat Wolfgang Spelthahn, Dr. Stephan Kiermaier und das Jülicher Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Peter Jansens. Foto: Forschungszentrum Jülich/JansenDr. Stephan Kiermaier from Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW) received the Düren district’s “Hygo” hydrogen award on Thursday evening.…

Dimethyl ether

A Component of the Global Hydrogen Economy One solution to the hydrogen economy of the future might possibly be found in many deodorant spray cans. Dimethyl ether (DME) has long been used as a propellant gas. Scientists from Forschungszentrum Jülich, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE have published a paper on the…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

New National Hydrogen Strategy

Sensible Pragmatism Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid, der Sprecher des HC-H2 und Gründungsdirektor des Instituts für nachhaltige Wasserstoffwirtschaft am Forschungszentrum Jülich. Foto: Forschungszentrum Jülich/JansenThe German federal government published its National Hydrogen Strategy Update this week. The updated version of the strategy that was originally adopted in 2020 outlines an acceleration in the development of German hydrogen production. In it,…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Establishing the Ominous Four

Andreas Peschel begrüßt die Gäste zur 2. Auflage des HC-H2 Brainergy Connect. Foto: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen“So what’s behind this ‘ominous four’?” Andreas Peschel raised this question himself after welcoming the guests to the second-ever HC-H2 Brainergy Park Connect event in the heart of the Rhenish mining area. A meeting between neighbours of Brainergy Park The Helmholtz hydrogen cluster (HC-H2)…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

The Colours of Hydrogen, Part 1: Grey

The range of hydrogen colours is diverse. Image: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Reisen How many colours of hydrogen do you know about?  First of all, hydrogen does not actually have a colour. It is invisible. Whenever we speak about green, grey, or blue hydrogen, we do so to distinguish between the different methods of hydrogen production. Or we use a colour…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

A Meeting in the Park

Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was known for his pithy remarks. He famously once said: “Anyone who has visions should go to the doctor.” This remark was made in 1980 in reference to the election campaign ideas of his fellow Social Democrat Party (SPD) member Willy Brandt. Doctors would likely have a lot to do if – in…
GeneralHydrogenRhenish Mining Area

Green Hydrogen for Düren Trains

Alongside the Helmholtz Cluster for a Sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy (HC-H2), other major hydrogen projects are being pursued with the aim of achieving an energy transition in the Rhenish mining area. For example in the district of Düren. The district, which neighbours all three open-cast mines in the Rhenish mining area, aims to be carbon-neutral by 2035.…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

The Hydrogen Future of Inland Navigation

Tankers Curiosity and Courage sail towards the Cologne Cathedral and the future of inland navigation. Photo: HGK The Rhenish mining area, which is situated close to the river Rhine, is currently the largest lignite mining region in Europe and is set to become the focus of Europe’s biggest climate protection project. This will come to fruition as lignite…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

The Road to a Hydrogen Future

Wind turbines and photovoltaic systems, such as those installed here next to Brainergy Park in the town of Jülich, are among the technologies that will enable a future with hydrogen. Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen “Hydrogen is an essential part of the future of our company. We have an innovative idea, but need support in finding the best way forward.”…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

“Water Will Be the Coal of the Future”

Jules Vernes, who published his science fiction novel “The Mysterious Island” in 1874. Photos: Adobe Stock; editing: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Clarissa Reisen “Water Will Be the Coal of the Future” These words were written an astonishingly long time ago, given the message they convey. They were written back in 1874 by French author Jules Verne in his novel “The Mysterious…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Precursor for the Future Hydrogen Economy

Our hydrogen Lego model is a precursor of the hydrogen centre of excellence that the district of Düren is opening this year. Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen The Helmholtz hydrogen cluster (HC-H2) can currently also be found in Düren, specifically in the new “Seen und Entdecken” (lakes and discovery) forum of the district administration at Moltkestraße 39. At the forum,…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

“Hydrogen and Batteries are Highly Complementary”

Discussion with the NRW-SPD parliamentary group about the environmentally friendly energy economy of the future Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid (right) in conversation with André Stinka and Dr. Saskia Wessel. Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen Experts invited to a political talk show usually have differing opinions. Otherwise the discussion that is hoped for would not take place. “You certainly wouldn’t be…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Andreas Peschel Begins Work

Direkt tief in die Materie eingestiegen: Prof. Andreas Peschel (r.) und Prof. Peter Wasserscheid (l.) sprechen mit dem CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneten Thomas Rachel über die Bedeutung von Wasserstoff für die Energiewende und den Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier. Foto: Guido BarthProf. Andreas Peschel has his first few days of work behind him. The new subinstitute director at Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Institute for…
GeneralHydrogenRhenish Mining Area

Great Interest Shown

Konrad Adenauer Foundation scholarship holders came to visit us and had a lot of questions about the hydrogen economy of the future. Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Jansen Visit from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Many bright and curious minds came to visit our institute and cluster. Twenty-five Konrad Adenauer Foundation scholarship holders spoke to us about the energy transition and the…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

“We’re on the Runway”

InterviewProf. Peter Wasserscheid, HC-H2 spokesperson. Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich/Kreklau In September 2021, the Helmholtz Cluster for a Sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy (HC-H2) was launched. Chemical engineer Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid is spokesperson for the cluster and founding director of the Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW), which forms the core of HC-H2. In this interview, he takes…
GeneralProject Erkelenz

Multi-SOFC: Pioneering Hydrogen Project at Erkelenz Hospital

Jülich/Erkelenz. The Hermann-Josef-Krankenhaus (HJK) hospital in Erkelenz is becoming a pioneering project for the environmentally friendly energy supply of the future. At the hospital, Robert Bosch GmbH and Hydrogenious LOHC NRW GmbH are demonstrating the coupling of new hydrogen technologies on an economically relevant scale for the first time. The project is contributing to the energy transition and…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Our Core Region

At the heart of things instead of on the periphery (“Mittendrin statt nur dabei”): this was a famous advertising slogan used by a German TV sports channel. This slogan also holds for the Helmholtz Cluster for a Sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy (HC-H2). The town of Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and the cluster are all situated in the heart…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Our Ideas to Save the World

Our ideas might sound a bit grand upon first reading: We want to save the world. And we want to try and transform the Rhenish mining area into a hotspot for the environmentally friendly energy economy of the future. Open online presentation As part of Forschungszentrum Jülich’s “Science Online” series, we attempt to explain who we are, what…
GeneralHydrogenRhenish Mining Area

Hydrogen State NRW

“Hydrogen State NRW”: Our spokesperson Prof. Peter Wasserscheid took part in a webinar organized by the North Rhine-Westphalian (NRW) branch of Alliance 90/The Greens on the topic of hydrogen. The online event, which was open to the public, focused on NRW as a hydrogen state and the industrial use of hydrogen for a net-zero future here. NRW Minister…
GeneralRhenish Mining Area

Talking about structural change

Visit from Düsseldorf Minister Mona Neubaur on HC-H2: “You Will Write History.” Mona Neubaur, Minister of Economics of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), visited Forschungszentrum Jülich on Monday to find out about the centre’s contribution to structural change in the Rhenish mining area and its innovative approaches for a sustainable and secure energy system of the future. The focus was…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

New Director: Andreas Peschel

New Director: Andreas Peschel Moves to Jülich A key position at Forschungszentrum Jülich’s new Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW) will soon be filled. On 1 March, process engineer Dr.-Ing. Andreas Peschel will be appointed Director of Process and Plant Engineering for Chemical Hydrogen Storage (INW-4). Peschel is currently head of chemical technology research and development at Linde…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

If Not Here, Then Where Else?

The district of Düren and the Helmholtz Cluster for a Sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy (HC-H2) are looking to strengthen their dialogue. That is why district administrator Wolfgang Spelthahn and HC-H2 spokesperson Prof. Peter Wasserscheid met to talk about the major topic of hydrogen. Net zero by 2035 For many years now, the district of Düren has been…
GeneralHydrogenRhenish Mining Area

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The excitement is building for the days ahead: the Helmholtz hydrogen cluster team took to baking Christmas cookies during the evening.We would like to wish all our friends and supporters a merry Christmas and a New Year full of health and happiness. We have already achieved a great deal together and…

Exciting Autumn at HC-H2

It has been an eventful few weeks for our small, but constantly growing team. Autumn at HC-H2 was largely dominated by our major launch event on 12 September. Here is a short video providing a snapshot of the event that was held at Brainergy Park. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Marquardt, Chair of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich,…

HC-H2: What’s It All About?

HC-H2: What’s It All About? You can watch the presentation given by Prof. Peter Wasserscheid as part of Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Science Online series by clicking the link here. HC-H2 is the largest ongoing structural change project in the Rhenish mining area. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research alone is providing the project with € 860 million in…

Third star for the new research building

The next important step for the creation of the Helmholtz Cluster for Sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy (HC-H2) has been taken: it is now certain that the new research building planned for Brainergy Park near Jülich by 2030 will receive funding. The Supervisory Board of the Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier awarded the third star to the new research building…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Great response to our official launch

A moment to be remembered: our official launch with the unveiling of our new logo was – thanks to our numerous and great guests – a special moment for our team and huge motivation to pursue our objectives. This is how Medienhaus Aachen reports on the launch of our hydrogen cluster: To the articleTo the articleHere is the…
GeneralHydrogenResearchRhenish Mining Area

Official Opening of Helmholtz Hydrogen Cluster HC-H2 in Brainergy Park Jülich

The Helmholtz Hydrogen-Cluster HC-H2 is to provide essential impetus to develop the Rhenish mining area into a pioneering model region for hydrogen technologies. One year after its launch, Germany’s largest hydrogen infrastructure project, which is coordinated by Forschungszentrum Jülich, celebrated its official opening at Brainergy Park Jülich. Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) Hendrik Wüst, State Secretary at…

It is all about hydrogen, isn’t it?

Revier.Geschichten – Dein Podcast zum Rheinischen Revier Dr. Susanne Spörler, coordinator of our hydrogen cluster, talks about what we are currently working on and what we want to achieve. Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von zu laden. Inhalt laden What else you need to knowLearn more

Best wishes for the launch

A message of greeting from Thomas Rachel, Member of the German Bundestag from Düren. Thomas Rachel, Member of the German Bundestag from Düren and long-time State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, has been one of the first companions of HC-H2. In a message of greeting, he wishes the employees of the cluster great…

Big hydrogen world made of small bricks

HC-H2’s researchers build an elaborate LEGO® model. On three and a half square meters, a LEGO® model represents part of the possibilities of the hydrogen economy of the future, which the researchers from Jülich want to demonstrate on a large scale in the Rhenish mining area. The bricks are still small and the ideas still dreams of the…

Helmholtz Hydrogen Cluster at Jülich is gathering momentum

Leibniz Prize winner Prof. Peter Wasserscheid appointed founding director Jülich, November 24, 2021 – The captain is on board. On November 1, Prof. Peter Wasserscheid was appointed founding director of Forschungszentrum Jülich’s newly established Institute for a Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW). With its H2 innovation centre, INW will pool the scientific activities in this field and become the…
GeneralHydrogenRhenish Mining Area

€ 860 million in funding: The Rhenish mining area to become model region for hydrogen technology

Forschungszentrum Jülich establishes new Helmholtz cluster for the hydrogen economy Jülich, September 3, 2021 – Forschungszentrum Jülich will establish a “Helmholtz Cluster for Sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy” (HC-H2) in the Rhenish mining area. The flagship project for research-driven new value creation will be funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research with around € 860…